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  • Guangzhou Light Industry Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

  • Tel:86 20-3436 7336

  • Sale:86 20-3436 7336 turn 801 or 13925122993

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  • 400 free service hotline:400 1683 993

  • Factory address: Foshan in the South industrial zone two Road No. 3

  • Headquarters address: Haizhuqu District Industrial Avenue, South Garden, fifty-five, No. three, Guangzhou


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Congratulations to the Pearl River beer Nansha new base put into production


Guangzhou light machine to complete the Pearl River Nansha 48,000 pure life bottled line cleaning system project

Pearl River beer Nansha new base of 48,000 bottles of pure draft beer production line, the largest domestic bottle of pure life. Innovative use of the main station + auxiliary station design, cleaning efficiency increased by three times. The main station & auxiliary station & wine machine is equipped with interface, using communication to complete the data transmission. Bubble station with constant pressure water supply, the new liquid-liquid mixture and gas-liquid mixture is perfect. Pearl River + Jun Wo + wide light innovation of pure draft beer clean disinfection of the Road!
