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Notice of the General Administration of the People 's Republic of China on Opinions on the Measures for the Investigation and Verification of Food Safety Fraud


In order to strengthen the investigation and handling of food safety fraud, the General Administration of Food and Drug Administration drafted the Measures for the Investigation and Verification of Food Safety Fraud. In accordance with the principles of scientific legislation and democratic legislation, in order to gather all the wisdom and strength to participate in food safety governance, is open for comments. Please submit your comments and suggestions in the following four ways before March 14, 2017:

1. Login to the Chinese government legal information network (URL: http: //www.chinalaw.gov.cn), into the home page on the left side of the "draft regulations and regulations collection system" comments and suggestions.

2. Send comments and suggestions to: rendp@cfda.gov.cn.

3. Send the comments and suggestions to: Building 2, No. 26, Xuanwu Men West Street, Xicheng District, Beijing (Zip Code 100053) Legal Department of the State Food and Drug Administration, and indicate on the envelope "Measures for the investigation and control of food safety fraud "Feedback" words.

4. Send the comments and suggestions to: 010-88330718.

State Administration of Food and Drug Administration
