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China will implement the "five actions" to promote the construction of modern dairy industry


Dairy industry is an important industry of healthy China and a strong nation. It is an iconic industry of agricultural modernization. Wang Junxun, deputy director of the Ministry of Agriculture, said on the 8th, China will implement the "five actions" to promote the construction of modern dairy industry.

He was in the Ministry of Agriculture held the day to promote the promotion of dairy industry to make the above statement.

Wang Junxun said that in 2017 will carry out high-quality grass protection action. Through the implementation of the "National Alfalfa Industry Development Plan (2016-2020)", the annual construction of 50 million mu of high yield and high quality alfalfa base, and "sickle bend" and Huang Huaihai and other regions as the focus, in-depth grain feed subsidies Change the size of the expansion to more than 10 million mu. And strive to 2020, high-quality alfalfa production reached 5.4 million tons, cows with silage corn production reached 40 million tons.

At the same time will carry out health farming operations. On the one hand to support the expansion of the farm, residential pasture transformation and the development of family ranch, "thirteen" during the creation of 300 standardized demonstration ranch, leading to promote the production technology level. On the other hand to expand the dairy cattle breeding county counties to promote the combination of planting and breeding pilot, to promote food and grain feeding, planting and breeding cycle development, and to focus on farming counties focus on livestock and poultry waste sewage treatment and utilization. "Thirteen five" end to achieve the average annual yield of lactating dairy cows to 7.5 tons, the proportion of the scale of breeding more than 70%, comprehensive utilization of manure increased to 75% or more goals.

In order to protect the quality of milk, quality and safety operations will also be carried out simultaneously. 2017 will be the ninth consecutive year to organize the implementation of fresh milk quality monitoring program and fresh milk prohibited substances special rectification action, and milk stations and transport vehicles for strict supervision and management, especially for infant milk powder milk related milk station and The truck is fully covered. Continuously strengthen infant milk powder milk base base farm standardization construction.

Not only that, will also carry out dairy brand to create and China's well-off milk public welfare action, so that people understand China's dairy industry in recent years, changes in development and stimulate consumer confidence and vitality.
